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Call of Duty: Online
Call of Duty Online was a free, online FPS game developed by Activision/Raven Shanghai and Raven Software.
Online was the first Call of Duty game I worked on while at Raven. I was asked to work on a few new screens, icons, and art for DLC's. Our team had completed most of the game when I began working at Raven.
UI / UX Designer
Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash
Icons, Wireframes, UI Components, Banners, Cards
UI Themes, Icons, Cards, Marketplace Banners:
I created themes for the UI to correspond with the releases of new content and games.
I also created mocks and designs for several banners and cards used in the marketplace and several icons for the marketplace and HUD.
I created wires for areas of the front-end and HUD for post-launch content.